Here is a wonderful example of what happens when someone stands up for what they believe in. Even if that someone is a kid.
Where is the national spokesperson defending the rights of people with disabilities? Flip through the channels on the TV or radio, do a search for ‘retard’ on Google:
Look around you. There are no national spokespeople for us. There is only ourselves.
We have to support each other in this. We have to raise those up around us that have children with disabilities but are afraid, or lack confidence. We have to show them that its okay to stand up and tell someone in the grocery line next to them, “please stop saying retard. It offends me or it offends someone I know or love.” Somehow we have to get the people who live with this everyday to stand up and say something. This is why we call it a grassroots effort.
Its not about political correctness, its not about being “some people are too sensitive,” its about respect.
Stand up and make your voice heard! Together, joining in one common voice, we are the national spokespeople for educating people that using the “r” word is offensive.
God Bless you! I agree with everything you have said. I still am hurt by this a month later. I have a severely autistic 6 yr old. He cannot even speak. And he is not retarded.Contact and boycott sponsors of this ridiculous show Big Brother 9. Here are a few,anyone offended spread the word and DO SOMETHING. No sponsors=NOSHOW Garnier,Kohl’s,Nasonex,Bertolli,Zantac,J C Penney, Freecreditreport, Selsun,Dyson,AT&T,Dunkin Donuts,Macy’s, KMart,Wendy’s (Dave Thomas would have pulled the plug) And Julie Chen hosting the show shame on you Julie. CBS has yet to apologize.