Excerpt from Reality TV World:
Exclusive: Adam Jasinski discusses ‘Big Brother 9,’ “retards” comment
By Christopher Rocchio, 04/28/2008
Reality TV World: I’m assuming you’ve already been made aware of this since you left the house last night, but that comment sparked a strong reaction outside the house. What’s your reaction been to learning of all the viewer complaints, some autism organizations like Autism United calling for the show’s cancellation and United Autism distancing itself from you?
Adam: I didn’t hear much about it. I just got out of the house yesterday. But I heard there was a HUGE response to it. But it’s not my person to do anything like that. For people to even think that I would be talking bad or putting down — I don’t even understand how it got to such a level.
Reality TV World: What would you say to those critical of you for calling children with autism “retards?” Are you apologetic?
Adam: Do I apologize? Yes I apologize! I mean it had to be a Freudian slip because that word’s usually never in my vocabulary — especially with the job I was doing, and ultimate, it did cost me my position.
Reality TV World: Okay, so the comment cost you your position with United Autism?
Adam: I’m not sure about that right now. I don’t know what’s going on with that, but that thought ran through my mind. That’s why I brought the topic up, I don’t know. But just hearing now all this impact that it could have had, obviously you have to question that yourself. But no, I don’t know what my position is right now.
Reality TV World: In light of what you’ve learned since last night, do you still plan to stand by your pledge to donate $100,000 of your $500,000 winnings to United Autism?
Adam: Would I do it right now? Yes. Eventually I would like to sit down with the families in the foundation and see what can go about. It’s a huge tax break, so I have to figure out what I feel. Is it worth it for me to give up the money? Of course I’m going to give some of the money to charity. Of course I’m going to follow through with my word. The matter of what I’m going to do with that money now, I still have to figure those things out.