FROM: http://mosaicmoments.today.com/2008/08/17/tropic-thunder-update-and-action-alert/
Cafepress has 56 products listed under the category of “Never Go Full Retard”. They even have MATERNITY shirts! Can you imagine?? I can’t!
ONE BILLION FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION who are offended by this word and you will not purchase their products and encourage others to do the same until they remove all offensive language that promotes violence towards those with intellectual disabilities.
Their contact information is:
Corporate Headquarters
1850 Gateway Drive, Suite 300
San Mateo, California 94404
Phone: 650-655-3000
Toll Free: 877-809-1659
Fax: 650-655-3002
URL: http://www.cafepress.com
Note: CafePress is just one vendor, how many more places around the Web (EBay, etc.) need to hear the same message?